The Root Cause team member Santos Bonacci

Welcome to the affiliates page of The Root Causes website. You will have arrived here as a result of being recommended to check out the website by Santos Bonacci. We are honoured to have Santos in our team helping others heal and have great respect for him for putting out very interesting truths about many controversial subjects for many years now. Should you wish to buy the products or join the free business opportunity you will be directly helping to fund Santos's ongoing commendable efforts.

Santos will likely have mentioned a unique code for you to use should you wish to purchase from The Root Brands website and create an account with them. Santos's code is healwithsantos , all one word.

It is necessary to fill in an account form in order to buy from The Root Brands or join the free business opportunity. The code lets The Root Brands know who sent the business to them.

Integrity of the network is very important so please be sure to use Santos's code. The order and join buttons on The Root Causes website are linked to the code of the team that created The Root Causes website. Simply delete the three letter code "mnm" if it appears on the new account form and add the code healwithsantos instead.

Alternatively you can return to this page later and use Santos's direct link to buy / join The Root Brands which is (this will automatically add his code to the form)

Enjoy browsing The Root Causes website, there's plenty of very interesting information here. It is a resource you will be able to use yourself and for other people in your own network should you build one. You will be within the team of the creators of The Root Causes website, who will be able to provide help and back up if and when it's necessary.

Thank you for visiting, time to get healing and if you wish you can help others by spreading the love further afield.

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